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What is the Solomon Institute?

     Solomon institute is our new entrepreneurial school within TOLCA.   From the beginning, TOLCA will always be leadership focused. However, we realize that not all leaders will be business owners. Our society needs Godly leaders in so many areas- the military, politics, and corporations, just to name a few.    Some people are just not called to business ownership but are called to lead in these other areas.   We will train all TOLCA students to think and act as a Godly leader should.  All students will get in-depth teaching on the US Constitution, the true history of our nation, personal finances, life skills, and public speaking.  All of this information is vital for LEADERS.   Leaders must be able to critically think about situations and not simply be sheep who follow what’s being told to them.


     The Solomon Institute is designed specifically for entrepreneurs.  Over the past 2 years, all TOLCA students have had the same business training.  But as we proceed, we must have a foundation laid so that we can build upon it moving forward. Starting in the fall of 2023, we will be watching and accessing our 7th-grade students in their academic achievement, leadership skills, and their aptitude for business. They will receive an invitation to the Solomon Institute, which they can accept or decline.  Students will have to be at TOLCA by their 8th-grade year for enrollment in the Solomon Institute.  We will cover a variety of business models over a 5-year period. This will give us maximum time for these students to get hands-on experience with multiple business models, which will include direct sales, product development, franchises, and eCommerce, just to name a few.  They will be learning how to get a patent!  We will teach about copywriting and publishing a book!  They will discover what it takes to get investors and get your product to market!   Public speaking will not be an option.  Students will learn to “Pitch” TOLCA at Chamber events.  They will learn to “pitch” fictitious products through mock Shark Tank events.  This all culminates in a business owner mindset and being able to pitch a real business that they love and believe in.   


     While at the Solomon Institute, we will be highly involved in the Chamber of Catawba County so that students are already building business relationships and networks- both of which are vital to success in entrepreneurship. Some of these events will be reserved for upperclassmen, but many will be open to all Solomon Institute students.  Forming these relationships will catapult them far ahead of others their age.


     As part of the Solomon Institute, we will have live classes at TOLCA and we will also have an online Academy.  As a response to nationwide interest, beginning this fall, we will have some Solomon Institute classes live-streaming and others recorded for archiving.  Students can take one, two, or all of the classes we have to offer.   Current TOLCA students who don’t qualify for the Solomon Institute can also access these classes while at TOLCA, at a slower pace than the Solomon Institute students are going.   All online students will be required to take our chapel class.   None of the business classes we are teaching will create success apart from making Father God your business partner.   The chapel class is essential for success in business.  


     The overall vision for the Solomon Institute is to create business owners who not only operate in a Godly manner but create an excess of finances to fund the Gospel around the world.  God needs wealthy businessmen and women who put HIS vision above all else.

     TOLCA Ventures is the parent company under which all TOLCA business ventures flow.  We have had the students develop gourmet snack mixes that sold very well during our test marketing phase.  We will not be able to continue with TOLCA snacks until our TOLCA Culinary Arts Business Center is finished.  This will be a commercial kitchen located in out Business Center.  We are currently teaching the students about direct sales and how to start a direct sales company.  We are using DoTerra as our model company.  Our direct sales company is First Fruits.  The students are working on various other projects to be announced in the future. 

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Logos were designed by students

© 2022 by Tree of Life Christian Academy- Hickory NC

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