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"It is impossible to rightly govern a nation without God and the Bible."     George Washington

The Leaders of Tomorrow



     “Inquire, please, of past generations, and consider and apply yourself to the things searched out by their fathers.”  Job 8:8


     In this day and hour, there has been a specific, evil agenda to rewrite the history of our nation to not only eliminate God, but to eliminate the things that were done to make it great.  Patriotism flows strongly and proudly at TOLCA. The Israelites were chosen by God as His covenant partner.  Since that time, the United States of America is the ONLY nation to have chosen Father God.  Our forefathers, George Washington in particular, established a covenant with God, where all of our assets and liabilities were mutually held.   With a covenant, enemies and friends were held mutually.  And, according to Genesis 17:7, it was a covenant that was everlasting. Our forefathers relied on the Word of God in all that they did.  During much of the Constitutional Convention, the Word of God was read (often chapters at a time), and our leaders went to Father God in prayer for HIS divine direction.   As his letters show, on more than one occasion, George Washington experienced supernatural protection from Father God.   He was protected as a covenant benefit.


     At the time of the Revolution, the pastors were the ones crying out for freedom, which they based on God’s Word. Those pastors used the pulpit and the Bible to plunge America into freedom. It was so apparent that the pastors were fueling the Revolution, the British coined the term “the Black Robed Regiment.”   The BBR believed the government was ordained by God and the answer for America was self-government in God’s way. Our second president John Adams, concerning the Revolution, stated “the pulpits have thundered!” Election sermons were preached for 210 years in America, where the pastors preached before or after elections explaining God’s way of governing.  The political leaders took their direction from these sermons during the two decades prior to the Declaration of Independence and used that divinely inspired message to create not only the Declaration of Independence but our precious United States of America Constitution.


     In 1876, The American Liberal Union pledged to remove God from every facet of America, knowing that within a short time, America would be facing disaster.  Charles Coffin wrote The Story of Liberty (1878), which was used as a primary history text in the schools.  Mr. Coffin stated, “If you do not see the Divine Hand working behind the scenes with what’s going on in history, history will be an incomprehensible enigma.”   From 1876 through the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s, there was a specific agenda to erase the truth about America and its Covenant with God Almighty.   The liberal agenda had a FULL understanding that the truth of the Word of God, the history of our Covenant with God, and Godly leaders stood between them and their goal to destroy America.


     Fast forward to today, and you find that indeed, our young people have never heard any of these truths.   In fact, for generations, the truth of history has been lost and buried.  The only way to restore America is to teach students how and why America was founded. They must understand that God and His Word made it great. The truth of America and her Covenant with God is inseparable from success and leadership. For without God, America would have never risen to greatness.


     Did you know that the Declaration of Independence is filled with Biblical references?  Did you know the United States Constitution is totally based on God’s Word?   The specific Biblical references were not included because at the time it was written, EVERY person in America, both young and old, knew the Bible cover to cover.   The Bible was cherished in each home.  Children as young as 3 and 4 were memorizing chapters of the Bible.   Sermons preached from the 1750s until the time of the Revolution had been teaching what the Bible said about governing with righteousness and justice.


     Through some amazing curricula by David Barton and other historians, we will change the face of America by training and producing enlightened citizens.  They will not only have a strong understanding of the Constitution, but they will know it is backed by the Word of God and they will learn to articulate the defense of its provisions of freedom and liberty.  We purposely teach cursive handwriting so students can read for themselves, copies of original documents, and manuscripts of the true story of America.


     We will pledge to the United States flag, the Christian flag, and the Bible on a daily basis.   We teach our children from a young age that “whom the Son sets free is free indeed.”   They will learn the truth about our nation’s birth, covenant with God, and why the nation has been blessed by God.   Our students will not only know the Preamble but they will have to memorize and present it to their peers.   When students reach the Business Center, they will learn to actively debate the Constitution and defend their rights as enlightened citizens should.


     There is no successful leader apart from the Word of God. True patriots understand this, and they hide God’s Word in their hearts and purpose to rule and reign with righteousness and justice.   The very fabric of our nation stems from God’s Word.  TOLCA chooses to return to this in the training of our students.



Visit David Barton's website at the link below. Find him on Youtube for more accurate teachings on the founding of our great nation.

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Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. 
Benjamin Franklin

© 2022 by Tree of Life Christian Academy- Hickory NC

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