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Don't fear the mountain...Move it!

Don't fear the mountain...Move it!


                                                                                                                                                                      BENJAMIN FRANKLIN


     As a private school, enrollment is not something we are obligated to offer.   We only accept students we believe are called here and can adapt to our unique school model.   Sometimes, however, for whatever reason, things just don’t work out.   We do put all new students on a 9-week probationary period, just to ensure that it’s a good fit for all involved.  We guard our unity above all else. 


     The culture at TOLCA is centered around CHANGE!!!   As leaders and business owners, change is inevitable.   We help students develop adaptability- which stretches everyone outside of their comfort zone. Too many people get stuck inside of their comfort zones- and all too often- people are groomed that way. Leaders and entrepreneurs must be ready to pivot, adapt and make quick changes.  If they do not, they often find themselves out of business quickly.   The lessons for change here are not arbitrary, nor are they evidence of a lack of planning or purpose.  Changes at TOLCA are intentional.   No human inherently loves change; however, those who aren’t willing to or are unable to change will never have the success of their counterparts who are.   We physically rearrange the classroom every 9 weeks.   We follow Father God and adjust our schedule to His direction.   Sometimes last-minute opportunities present themselves and we take advantage of them.    Overall, the ability to change and adapt are skills that successful people possess.   At TOLCA, it’s part of our culture and plan.


     Our classrooms are purposely small.  They will remain that way, as we are not willing to compromise QUALITY for QUANTITY.   We do not measure the success of the school on enrollment numbers.  We will never be a large school.   The emphasis we put on small student/teacher ratios is of utmost importance to us.   The ability to engage our students in multifaceted learning and hands-on activities would be hindered with a large student population.   Our staff has the unique ability to know each student well.   We can see better ways to help guide, instruct and lead each student to reach their highest learning potential.   We believe that each student has a divine appointment to be at TOCLA so that we can not only help them discover their gifts and callings, but we can also be part of training them to fulfill their Eph. 2:10 book of deeds.

© 2022 by Tree of Life Christian Academy- Hickory NC

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